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How to Reclaim Your Time Without Losing Sleep: Tips for Coping with “Revenge Bedtime Procrastination"

Updated: Nov 24, 2024

What Would Happen If You Didn’t Sleep?

Choose to be well rested

It’s 10PM, and you’re sitting on the couch watching tv or on your phone mindlessly scrolling social media.  Part of you is tired and knows it’s probably time to get ready for bed, so you can be well rested for the next day of work.  The other part of you wants to stay up longer and avoid the reality of going back to a place where you are being told what to do for most of the day.  

Many people wrestle with this contemplation every night, because it feels like the only time we have to do what we actually want to do is that 1-2 hour time block at night just before bed.  The rest of the day is usually filled with catering to other people’s needs and completing tasks that are not the most exciting.  

This lack of autonomy during the day contributes heavily to why staying up late at night is so appealing.  Going to bed early/at a reasonable time might be the last thing you want to do, because you know the onslaught of things you’ll be asked to do the next day.

I’m not saying this is the only reason people want to stay up later at night, refusing to go to bed.  Maybe you and your significant other don’t get to spend much time together one-on-one, so you want to squeeze as much time as possible out of the evening cuddle up on the couch together. 

There are multiple reasons why people stay up late, but I think one of the major reasons why people choose to stay up late, consciously or subconsciously, is for the reason I just mentioned.  

“I have to do what everyone else wants me to do all day, so now I’m going to milk my time for as much as possible and enjoy whatever I want for a little longer.”

If you feel like your day is packed with doing things for everyone else, and you feel like everyone makes decisions that affect you, and you have no say, try reframing some of the things you do throughout the day, and try scheduling short bouts throughout the day that allow you to do things you want.

You get to choose what food you eat.

You can choose the things you listen to throughout the day.(podcasts, songs, audiobooks)

You can choose if you want to get up and go for a walk. 

You can choose when you go to bed and wake up. 

You can choose what beverages you drink. 

You can choose the media you watch or read. 

I understand that you don’t always have control over these decisions, but the more you take control of these decisions throughout the day, the more you feel like you are in control and the less you feel like you have to stay up for another hour at night to feel like you are getting to finally do the things you want. 

Choose to go to bed early when you have the opportunity, so you can have the energy and clear head to make the choices you want the following day.  

Reminder:  This doesn’t mean you MUST go to bed early every night.  Staying up late occasionally can be fun and exciting, but make this the exception rather than the norm.

Get After It!!



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